Thursday, July 5, 2007

Metro Rail to Simonstown

It sometimes takes the enthusiasm of foreign visitors to get me to try something I wouldn't normally think of. A recent visit from my sister out from Taiwan saw us heading off for the Plumstead Station just before 9 one morning. We were aiming to catch the 9.10am South-bound train which the Metrorail website showed as having a buffet car attached. Initially sceptical about the accuracy of the site, I was very pleasantly surprised by what we found. One carriage (the blue one as we were informed at the ticket office) has a small bar area and then a series of restaurant booths to seat 4 people. We were lucky to find an empty table and sat to choose from a menu which included a full cooked breakfast through to muslie, yoghurt and design-your-own toasted sandwiches.
We had picked a beautiful winter's day to enjoy the view of False Bay and our breakfasts during the 50 minute trip. After a couple of hours exploring Simonstown we headed home on a regular Plus carriage, feeling that we had experienced something quite unique.

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