Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Ferndale Nursery

This nursery in Constantia was wonderfully child friendly. Our first stop was the Koi pond where Nathan and cousin Jamie were facinated by the shining fish (for R2 we bought a tiny container of fish food). Then the main attraction was the geese which we had brought a few slices of bread to attract but these noisy birds needed no invitation to start sqwarking and crowding at the fence of their large pond enclosure hopeful of catching a treat. The black motorbikes, old tractor, swings and jungle-gym will all be a lot of fun as the boys get older but they were able to enjoy the short jungle walk with fake crocodile and finding their way through the maze.

Shade: lots of trees and some of the play area shaded
Safe/contained: open water
Outdoor/indoor: all outdoor
Space: large, sprawling play area and a small space to picnic
Cost: Free plus whatever you are tempted to spend on gardening
Parking: pleanty

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Metro Rail to Simonstown

It sometimes takes the enthusiasm of foreign visitors to get me to try something I wouldn't normally think of. A recent visit from my sister out from Taiwan saw us heading off for the Plumstead Station just before 9 one morning. We were aiming to catch the 9.10am South-bound train which the Metrorail website showed as having a buffet car attached. Initially sceptical about the accuracy of the site, I was very pleasantly surprised by what we found. One carriage (the blue one as we were informed at the ticket office) has a small bar area and then a series of restaurant booths to seat 4 people. We were lucky to find an empty table and sat to choose from a menu which included a full cooked breakfast through to muslie, yoghurt and design-your-own toasted sandwiches.
We had picked a beautiful winter's day to enjoy the view of False Bay and our breakfasts during the 50 minute trip. After a couple of hours exploring Simonstown we headed home on a regular Plus carriage, feeling that we had experienced something quite unique.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Tokai Forest Arboretum

This forest has is popular with hikers and mountain bikers. We spent a couple of hours at the coffee shop at a table under the trees. What a beautiful shady spot which must be a haven in summer but did get rather chilly during our visit. Older children can climb trees and explore down at the river and Nathan enjoyed climbing over logs and stumbling through the fallen leaves.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Oudekraal - Atlantic Seaboard

Thanks to our Ltd Wild Card we have found another gorgeous spot which we visited with friends on the weekend. Oudekraal is between Llundudno and Camps Bay and is a calm boulder protected beach with excellently set out picnic/braai areas on the grassy banks overlooking the beach. Nathan enjoyed sand play while Skylar and Terryn (8 and 6 years old) had fun looking amongst the rocks, climbing up the boulders and playing in the shallow, calm water. For some reason (perhaps the tides?) the beach was scattered with glass pieces. Most of them had been smoothed by the sea, but some were sharp. We will be sending pictures to the SANP.

We will definitely be back again to try out the braai areas - maybe even throw a party in the enclosed entertainment area which can be hired for a few hundred rand.

Shade: some picnic tables and beach near to boulders at the right time of day
Stuff to do: cold but protected swimming, boulder exploring, picnic/braai, sand play
Safe/contained: open water
Outdoor/indoor: all outdoor
Space: beach area and 20+ picnic sites
Cost: R10 adults, R5 children, or free with credits on Ltd Wild Card
Parking: 20+ spaces within the gates
Party potential: enclosed entertainment area with seating - booking required

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Groot Constantia - Constantia

What a superb spot to have finally found. The lawns at Groot Constantia offer an amazing view over to False Bay with pleanty of space for ball games and picnic parties.

Shade: Huge Oaks trees on the perimeter of the lawns
Stuff to do: Apart from running up and down the terraces, bring your own entertainment
Outdoor: Completely exposed so not ideal for a windy, cold day
Space: Pleanty of room for lots of people and games
Cost: No charge
Other: No ablution facilities

Two Oceans Aquarium

The Aquarium has become a favourite for the whole family with Grandparents having membership cards too. It is a wonderful indoor activity for rainy days with displays and activities which appeal to all ages. We first visited when Nathan was 6 months old and he would just stare at the colours, lights and bubbles in the tanks. Now at 17 months he enjoys watching the fish as they swim close up to the glass and can appreciate the touch pool as well as just wandering wherever his little legs take him.

Website :
Opening times : 9.30am -6pm
Shade : All indoor
Attitude to kids : Not an amazing baby changing room, but very child friendly and safe for wandering toddlers.
Kids menu : The restaurant attached to the aquarium has high chairs and a play area
Stuff to do : Activity center, Touch Pool, Fish feeding times
Safe/contained : Controlled entrance
Cost : R70 per adult, R130 for a year's membership unlimited entry
Parking : Aquarium parking available when entering the Waterfront. Cost of R10 is refundable on entry to the aquarium

Kirstenbosch Gardens

Jo and I took the boys to Kirstenbosch today. It was a perfect Autumn day - sunny and warm with no wind and the gardens were beautiful. We had a pleasant walk pushing the boys in their prams and then Nathan had a wonderful time running up and down the grassy banks and climbing rocks. There are so many spots to stop and picnic that I'm sure we'll be back often even for short visits especially now that Jo has taken out a year's membership (which includes a guest) and we won't have to worry about the R27 entrance fee each time.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Barnyard - Steenberg, Tokai

The Barnyard has had a revamp recently and is loads of fun for children. We went on an outing with Grandparents and I am not sure if Grandpa or Nathan had more fun making piggy noises! There are penned goats, chickens, ducks, pigs, rabbits and a tortoise which can be fed with seed bought there. Pigeons fly in to make the most of the free meals too so there are loads of birds to be seen. A Jungle Gym and large sandpit kept Nathan busy while we had yummy marshmellow hot chocolate.

Shade: some tables in shade but play area not shaded
Attitude to kids: this place is all about giving mom a place to relax with toddlers and older
Stuff to do: feed the birds, sandpit, Jungle Gyms and a couple of famous 'Black Bikes'
Safe/contained: one entance to the restaurant and barnyard area
Outdoor/indoor: undercover and under-tree seating or get your coffee and sit on the edge of the sandpit.
Space: enough for a pre-school (30 children) outing which was there when we were
Cost: no entrance fee but food and drinks make up for this - eg R25 for cake
Parking: plenty

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Silvermine Nature Reserve - Ou Kaapse Weg

We were totally amazed to find this spot just 20mins drive from home. Once you turn off Ou Kaapse Weg it feels like you are heading into Lord of the Rings country with not a hint of the city anywhere nearby. A short tar-road drive takes you to a parking area and then excellent pram-friendly paths lead you on a short walk to a small dam. One can continue to walk around the perimeter of the dam on wooden deck paths while looking for the ideal picnic or braai spots which are all cleverly situated amongst the rocks at the water's edge.

Shade: loads of shady spots
Stuff to do: picnic, explore, swim - and mountain biking and dogs allowed in certain areas
Safe/contained: open water and mountains to get lost in
Cost: R15, or use credits on Ltd Wild Card, free with Wild Card
Parking: free, car guards
Party potential: great with lots of adult supervision
Other: it is always a few degrees cooler up there so take warm clothing

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Organic Living - Plumstead

Nathan and I have visited this Coffee Shop/Deli a number of times with the Mom's and Babes group. Today we went with a couple of friends to test out the play area for the first time, thinking it is time for him to be able to play a bit on his own. Unfortunately for us, the sandpit and jungle gym are separated from the tables by a hedge, so I couldn't leave N to play on his own. It will be great for slightly older children who can cope with climbing and sliding on their own. There was a little black bike and kiddies table with colouring in which the children could all share.

There is no specific children's menu, but N has enjoyed the fruit and veg juices since he was old enough to slurp them out of a teaspoon. Today he shared my sandwich (R18 choice of bread, type of cheese, salad ingredients and sauces) - ciabatta with cheddar, lettuce, sprouts, fruit chutney, pickles and sun-dried tomatoes. We also had a freshly juiced Pear drink (R9) while my friends enjoyed their White Hot Chocolate (R14) and Cheese Cake (R18) with some left over to take home for the dads. It has a lovely outdoor setting with blankets and heaters for cooler days, as well as some indoor tables and even one more private room which we have been able to take over in the past.

Opening times 8.30 - 5
Shade: Great tree cover and umbrellas
Attitude to kids
Kids menu: No specific items
Stuff to do
Safe/contained : Only one access to play area from the seating area
Outdoor/indoor : Tables in both
Cost (entrance, food prices) :
Food range and quality : Excellent organic ingredients whenever possible
Parking : Pleanty of space off Gabriel Rd
Party potential

Friday, March 9, 2007

Scarecrows - Hout Bay

We were keen for a family outing to a place where Nathan could stretch his legs a bit and so this afternoon we went for tea at Scarecrows where I knew there were Jungle Gyms. It was a very hot afternoon and unfortunately the play areas were not in shade but he enjoyed following the restaurant cat around and playing around the ride-on toy animals.

Investigations found another play area at the back of the restaurant. This large space was the size of a paddock complete with more Jungle Gyms, a sandpit, tee-pee and more seating designed for kids parties. In fact we had seen 2 birthday cakes waiting in the restaurant for parties to be held there the next day.

Shade: Not great in the play areas the tables were under cover.
Stuff to do : Jungle Gym near restaurant, Paddock play area with climbing, sandpits, tee-pee and seating for large groups.
Safe/contained : Fenced with one exit
Outdoor/indoor : Tables in both
Space: Can accommodate very big parties
Party potential : Great

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Boulders Beach - Simon's Town

We have had a wonderful morning with friends at Boulders Beach. It is incredible how calm and still the little bolder-surrounded bay always is even when it's blowing elsewhere. The penguins were a real hit - so cute waddling down and bobbing on the water.

Shade: Not a lot but some spots near the rocks
Stuff to do: Very gentle waves for swimming, sand play and bolder climbing. Penguin information center
Safe/contained: Two controlled entrances
Space: Not a very big beach
Cost: About R20 - Can use credits on the Wild Card Ltd or free with Wild Card
Parking: Easily available right at the beach during the week and at less busy times